The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote
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Purchase “The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote” Thumb Drive
$10.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.
To purchase from out of country, please contact Rick first at [email protected] for instructions.
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After more than 60 years as a singer, songwriter, band leader and recording artist, Rick Norcross, who began his music career in 1963 in the tiny Northeast Kingdom village of East Hardwick, Vermont, is getting done. The release of “The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote” marks his 13th album on the Airflyte Records label and his final record project of all.
Rick Norcross sent the following invitation out on February 29th asking his fan base and music colleagues to submit the titles of their favorite Ramblers songs. Over 250 votes were cast. “I extended this invitation to all Rick & The Ramblers Fans, Sponsors past and present, Radio Professionals, Music Journalists and Colleagues. “You are cordially invited to chose your favorite Rick & The All-Star Ramblers songs, culled from the past eight Ramblers albums. The 15 most beloved songs will be released on the “The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote” album as my gift to you, our loyal Ramblers fans, for your longtime friendship and support of our many Vermont tours and concerts. YOU got to program our final album by choosing your favorite songs.”
According to plan, it took Rick Norcross five years to complete his retirement.
STEP ONE – Accomplished in 2019 by selling “The Mighty Pickle,” the Ramblers faithful tour bus of 22 years, to Dave & Boots Wright of Ocala, Florida. After an extensive three and a half year restoration they transformed the coach to museum presentation quality and then donated “The Chief,” the bus formerly known as “The Mighty Pickle,” to Marty Stuart for his “Congress of Country Music Museum in Philadelphia, Mississippi where she is featured today and will be seen by millions of country music fans.
STEP TWO – With the funds realized by the sale of “The Mighty Pickle,” Rick & The All-Star Ramblers went into Lane Gibson Recording & Mastering Studios in Charlotte, Vermont to record their final studio album, “God Bless The Mighty Pickle.” The recording turned into a four year project, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, which actually turned into a blessing with plenty of time to write new songs and fine-tune the recordings. The title song honors the Ramblers tour bus with spoken word messages from Country Music Hall of Fame and five time Grammy award winner, Marty Stuart.
Currently, as of July 30, 2024, “God Bless The Mighty Pickle” is listed at the Number 2 position for the third month on the ”Indy Express Top 20 Picks of the Month” (national publication), it’s Number 6 on the “10 Most Played Western Swing Albums,” Western Way Magazine, Spring Issue (national publication) and Rick Norcross has been listed at the Number 4 slot for the fourth month on the “List of the Top 10 Famous Singers from Vermont” (national publication).
STEP THREE – THE FINAL STEP TO RETIREMENT – The August 10th release of “The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote” CD. “The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote” CD will be in the spotlight on Saturday, August 10th, on Western Swing Hall of Famer Billy Bowles “Swinging Country” radio show with a World Radio Premier feature on KSSL-FM Radio in Lubbock, Texas. Billy Bowles will play eight tracks from the new CD release and will chat about the album on-air with Rick Norcross. “Swinging Country” is broadcast on Saturday mornings from 10 am to noon, central time, and 11 am to 1 pm eastern time. It’s a long running and top-rated Western Swing program which is rebroadcast on four additional radio stations in Nashville and around the Southwest, as well as in Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, Spain & South America. “Swinging Country” indeed is providing a World Radio Premier of “The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote.” Thank You, Billy B!

Listen to clips from “The Bestest Songs I Ever Wrote”

Rick Norcross
[email protected]
(802) 864-6674